Wednesday, May 1, 2024

A Guide to Staying Safe During Re-Opening

We are now entering a new phase of the coronavirus as Florida eases public health restrictions.

“Re-opening doesn’t mean we are completely out of the woods yet, so caution is advised when going in public,” says Dustyn Shroff, Vice President of GreatFlorida Insurance, Florida’s largest independent home insurance agency.

This means that in many cases, you’ll have to try to make an informed decision about what’s safest for you and others. Lindsey Marr, Professor at Virginia Tech laid out the basic calculus in an article in The Atlantic: “It depends on your own health, your age, preexisting conditions, how much risk you’re willing to tolerate, and the benefit that the activity could provide to you.” Another crucial variable: how much risk you might be introducing for everyone else around you.

Listed are strategies from public health experts to reduce transmission as you emerge from your home out into public.


If possible, continue working from home.

Take stairs instead of an elevator to minimize crowding.

Disinfect your work surfaces daily.

If you work in an open space, wear your mask all day.

Hold all meetings virtually.

Avoid shared spaces and consider eating outside or 6 feet apart from a co-worker.

Restaurants & Bars

Wear a face mask and only remove to eat food.

Don’t eat with your hands.

Sit outside if possible.

Reflect on whether the experience of eating in a restaurant is worth the risk, takeout is better.

Salons & Hairdresser

Getting your nails or hair done means close contact.

Make sure time between appointments is spaced out for cleaning after the prior customer.

You and your hairdresser should wear a face mask.

Parks, Beaches, Pool

Experts agree that socializing in well ventilated spaces, preferably outdoors is recommended.

You must be able to keep distance between you and others in and out of the water, public bathrooms or ice cream stands could make this a problem.

If the destination is too crowded, go somewhere else.

Shopping & Malls

Curbside pick-up is preferable.

Go during off peak hours.

Pay online or over the phone ahead of time.

Space out when waiting in line.


Call ahead to find out safety protocols.

Keep six feet apart.

Bring your own towel and water bottle.

Wipe down equipment yourself.


The consensus is driving is better than flying.

On long drives, try to minimize stops as much as possible.

Most airlines are requiring masks be worn on flights.

If you have not made plans for the spring or summer, consider holding off until a later date.

“Individuals will have to weigh the consequences of non-essential activity for themselves and the community,” says Dustyn Shroff, Vice President of GreatFlorida Insurance, Florida’s top independent home insurance agency.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC continues to stress observing basic precautions. Those include, keeping your distance from others, washing hands regularly, using hand sanitizer in public, avoid touching your face, wearing a mask and staying home if you are feeling sick.

GreatFlorida Insurance is here to answer your insurance inquiries. For dependable home insurance, contact us today.

Dustyn Shroff
Dustyn Shroff
Vice President at GreatFlorida Insurance

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