Saturday, May 4, 2024

The Many Ways Marriage Affects Your Insurance

Saying “I do” is the start of an adventure!

As two individuals begin merging their lives, there are several things to consider, such as where they want to plant their roots, if they want to create joint bank accounts, what their future entails, etc.

But marriage affects more than just your lifestyle, it impacts several areas of your life, including your insurance policies.

Evaluating how marriage affects your insurance policies should be toward the top of each newlywed’s to-do list.

How Marriage Affects Your Insurance

There are several financial perks of tying the knot, including combining your insurance coverage and policies. Exactly how does marriage affect your insurance, though?

Several factors play a role in formulating your insurance rates–some of which may be out of your control. In terms of marriage though, here are a few changes you can expect to see in your auto and homeowner’s insurance policies.

Auto Insurance

If both spouses drive their own vehicle, there are a couple of ways that marriage can affect your auto insurance:

  • Merging policies
  • Multi-car discount eligibility

By merging your policy with your spouse’s, you may be able to reduce the cost of your monthly car insurance premium with a multi-car discount.

It can also make it easier to manage your bills, as you will only be making payments on one insurance policy.

Homeowner’s Insurance

marriage affects insurance

Homeowner’s insurance is another area that can be affected by marriage. When you start living under one roof, spouses may want to reassess their coverage needs.

Combining households may mean one spouse will be selling their home or no longer needing to rent a home, which eliminates the need for that home or renter’s insurance policy. Or perhaps there’s a dog joining the household or family heirlooms that you will want to have special coverage for.

You may even want to consider bundling your home and auto insurance policies together for additional discounts.

Getting the Best Coverage as Newlyweds

Getting married should be an exciting time in your life. While evaluating the best insurance policies as a newlywed may not be as fun as the wedding festivities, it can prove beneficial.

Contact GreatFlorida Insurance today for help finding the best insurance policies for your new life together.

Dustyn Shroff
Dustyn Shroff
Vice President at GreatFlorida Insurance

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