Saturday, May 4, 2024

Holiday Detox

Most of us overindulge a little bit this time of the year. Holiday parties and gatherings offer an irresistible assortment of sweet treats, salty snacks and holiday themed cocktails. Likewise, it is easy to disregard healthy food choices in the midst of a hastened season.

“Keeping your health a priority during the holidays is important,” reminds Dustyn Shroff, Vice President of GreatFlorida Insurance, Florida’s leading independent health insurance agency.

Those mindful of their health often turn to a short detoxification plan to help them get back on track. The primary goal of a detox is to cleanse your body of toxins so you can bounce back after a night of overindulgence.


Notably, Dr. Mehmet Oz has a two-day plan to help offset excesses with recipes included. The goal is to release water retention and bloating, re-balance your blood sugar levels, remove fat promoting toxins from your body and recharge your metabolism. His plan is designed to help avoid weight gain over the holiday season while enjoying the treats you adore.

Additionally, nutrition and health expert Joy Bauer has a one-day post detox plan. She advises the day after a night of over doing it, waking up the next morning and beginning your day with exercise. A 45-minute walk will work up a sweat and reduce bloating and inflammation. She also advises drinking plenty of water and omitting starchy carbs such as bread, pasta, rice and potatoes.

Whether a detox is necessary, is up for debate. Experts with the Mayo Clinic report, “The kidneys and liver are generally quite effective at filtering and eliminating most ingested toxins.”

“In spite of claims that a detox is not necessary, many people say they feel better after a brief detox,” says Buck with GreatFlorida Insurance, Florida’s largest independent health insurance agency.

Reported benefits of a detox include, increased energy and better focus, who couldn’t use that around the holidays?

GreatFlorida Insurance agents can offer you and your family quality health insurance policies to fit your needs. Give us a call today.

GreatFlorida Insurance is a authorized vendor of health insurance for Blue Cross & Blue Shield.
GreatFlorida Insurance is a authorized vendor of health insurance for Blue Cross & Blue Shield.
Dustyn Shroff
Dustyn Shroff
Vice President at GreatFlorida Insurance

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