Thursday, May 2, 2024

Gas Prices Expected to Drop in Florida

The American Automobile Association (AAA), reports current gas prices are the highest they have been in four years. Almost 60 cents higher than this time last year.

“Gas prices typically rise just in time for the busy Memorial Day weekend,” observes Dustyn Shroff, Vice President of GreatFlorida Insurance, Florida’s largest independent auto insurance agency.

However, relief at the pump is coming. Crude oil prices are dropping and some oil producing nations such as Russia and Saudi Arabia, are expected to increase oil production.  Mark Jenkins, a spokesman for AAA said gas prices should be lowering, although the prices, “will not happen overnight,” as retailers usually do not react quickly to these market factors and are not ready to discount fuel they paid a premium to get.

Gas prices are the highest in South Florida, at $2.99-$2.94 per gallon in West Palm Beach and Boca Raton. While Jacksonville and Punta Gorda are enjoying the lowest prices at $2.86 per gallon.

“Lower gas prices are arriving in time for what is expected to be a busy summer travel season, says Dustyn Shroff, Vice President of GreatFlorida Insurance, Florida’s top independent auto insurance agency. Airlines for America, an industry trade organization expects summer air travel to rise 3.7 percent, reaching an all-time high.

If you plan to travel this summer, check out the following travel hacks to help save your sanity.

When packing your bag, place shoes in a shower cap.

Throw the hotel bar soap or a dryer sheet in your dirty laundry bag so it doesn’t stink up your bag for the remainder of the trip.

Store power cords in an old sunglass case.

If you forget your cell phone charger, ask the front desk if you can borrow one during your stay.

If you forget the wall plug-in, check the back of the hotel TV, there is usually a USB port.

Heading to a theme park or the beach? Place your phone in a plastic bag to keep it from getting wet.

To protect a wine bottle in your bag, wrap it with a pool floatie.

Scan your passport, ID and itinerary and email it to yourself so you have a digital copy if it is stolen or lost.


Dustyn Shroff
Dustyn Shroff
Vice President at GreatFlorida Insurance

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