Thursday, May 2, 2024

3 Types of Coverage Every Auto Owner Should Have in Their Insurance Policy

The road can be a place of adventure, but it can also be fairly dangerous. Every auto owner should have liability, comprehensive, and collision coverage in their policy–here’s why. 

Life can take some pretty unexpected turns; some are exciting while others are riddled with nerve-wrecking risks and accidents. When you’re on the road, you never know when you may experience one of these unexpected turns and get hit out of nowhere by another car. 

In the state of Florida, you are required by law to have some sort of current auto insurance. However, one unfortunate situation that sometimes occurs after car accidents is realizing your coverage doesn’t really cover you at all.

Deciding which coverage you should have can be a bit confusing if you don’t know what to look for. Every auto owner should have the following three basic types of coverage to be financially protected in the event of an accident, covering you, your car, your passengers, and the other person(s) involved. 

#1 Liability Coverage

Liability coverage is two-fold and should include bodily injury liability and property damage liability. This coverage will cover the costs for repairing the other driver’s car and any related lost wages or medical bills, if and when you are at fault. However, it doesn’t protect your own property damages or bodily injury resulting from the accident–if it is your fault.

auto owners car collision

#2 Collision Coverage

Accidents are bound to happen, whether you are at fault or not. While liability coverage financially safeguards you from expensive property damages or bodily injury payments for the other person(s) involved, collision coverage covers you, your passengers, and the vehicle involved in the accident. 

auto owner car accident

#3 Comprehensive Coverage

Comprehensive coverage covers the cost of damages, resulting from fires, storms, wind, hail, theft, vandalism, etc. It essentially covers any damage outside of an accident or collision.

This type of coverage typically extends beyond your own vehicle to include temporary cars, newly acquired cars, and cars you’re driving but aren’t owned by anyone in your household.

You’ll still have to choose the best deductible for your specific needs and, like most deductibles, the higher the deductible, the lower the premium.

auto owner car on fire

What Coverage Will You Choose?

If you currently have auto insurance and want to see everything your policy includes, carefully review your policy’s declaration page. It summarizes your entire policy, including the amount and length of coverages, deductibles, premiums and more.

If you want to update your policy or see if there’s a better deal with more robust coverage, contact GreatFlorida Insurance. We will provide you with competitive quotes and help find you the best coverage for your lifestyle and budget. 

Dustyn Shroff
Dustyn Shroff
Vice President at GreatFlorida Insurance

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